Research Intern | Everlyn AI
Time: 7/2024 - Present. Mentor: Prof. Ser-Nam Lim
Haodong Chen
04s | From EE to CV
@Shenzhen, China
04s | From EE to CV
@Shenzhen, China
I'm a final-year undergraduate student at Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) and a research intern at Everlyn AI. I'm fortunate to work closely with Prof. Ser-Nam Lim from University of Central Florida (UCF) and Prof. Harry Yang from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).
Previously, I was advised by Prof. Dian Shao from both NPU and Shanghai AI Laboratory, which contributed to my development in this field. I also worked with Prof. Mulin Chen and Prof. Xuelong Li from TeleAI, China Telecom, as well as Prof. Yuxuan Liang from HKUST(GZ).
As an EE major student, I have more than a passing interest in computer vision, and open to all forms of research collaboration. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in working with me! My research interests include:
Research Intern | Everlyn AI
Time: 7/2024 - Present. Mentor: Prof. Ser-Nam Lim
Research Intern | HKGAI
Time: 5/2024 - 8/2024. Mentor: Prof. Wenhan Luo
Research Intern | DianLab, NPU
Time: 6/2023 - 8/2024. Advisor: Prof. Dian Shao
OmniCreator: Self-Supervised Unified Generation with Universal Editing
Haodong Chen, Lan Wang, Harry Yang, Ser-Nam Lim†
arXiv, 2024
UrbanCLIP: Learning Text-enhanced Urban Region Profiling with Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining from the Web
Yibo Yan, Haomin Wen, Siru Zhong, Wei Chen, Haodong Chen, Qingsong Wen, Roger Zimmermann, Yuxuan Liang†
ACM International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2024
Oral Presentation